Posts Tagged ‘Annual Holiday Banquet’
Lizzie Miller receives the 2017 Ruth Crawford Excellence Award
Shallaco McDonald wins Ruth Crawford Excellence Award

Shallaco “Shak” McDonald, technical staff assistant, received the 2016 Ruth Crawford Staff Excellence Award at the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering Annual Holiday Banquet, Dec. 10.
The annual award recognizes excellent staff contributions and is named after former senior staff member Ruth Crawford who devoted 30 years of exemplary service to the department working for … Read the rest »
Kate Baird wins Ruth Crawford Excellence Award

Kate Baird, graduate program coordinator, received the 2015 Ruth Crawford Staff Excellence Award at the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering Annual Holiday Banquet, Dec. 21.
The annual award recognizes excellent staff contributions and is named after former senior staff member Ruth Crawford who devoted 30 years of exemplary service to the department working for … Read the rest »