Posts Tagged ‘Rachel Segalman’
National Academy of Engineering Elects Alumna, Dr. Rachel Segalman
Alumna Rachel Segalman Explores, Expands the Thermoelectric Power of Polymers

Originally published on UC Santa Barbara’s The Current.
Imagine charging your cellphone anywhere without having to plug in. Or barely breaking a sweat outside in the middle of summer. How about using a high-performance personal computer that cools its own components?
These ideas, and many like them, may be the realities of the not-so-distant … Read the rest »
Alumni in Academia

The McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering is well established in preparing students for careers in industry, but many of our students also go on to pursue roles in research, teaching and administration. Texas ChE graduates have taught and conducted research at nearly 90 universities around the world, including some of the top engineering programs in … Read the rest »
Truskett Named 2015 American Physical Society Fellow

Thomas Truskett, professor and chair of the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Nominated by the Topical Group on Soft Matter, Truskett was cited for “pioneering work elucidating how nanoscale interfaces impact the structure, dynamics and self-assembly of complex fluids and biomolecular systems.”… Read the rest »
Alumna Rachel Segalman Named Chair of UCSB Department of Chemical Engineering

When Rachel Segalman, Texas ChE (B.S. ’98) and University of California Santa Barbara alumna, returned to the UCSB campus as a professor of chemical engineering and materials last year, it seemed like a new and exciting place compared to the late 90s when she was a chemical engineering graduate student. At the time, … Read the rest »