Posts Tagged ‘Dr. George Georgiou’
Lizzie Miller receives the 2017 Ruth Crawford Excellence Award
Lizzie Miller Wins ChE Staff Spotlight Award

Lizzie Miller has been awarded the latest ChE Staff Spotlight Award. Lizzie joined the department in 2007 and has played an essential role in helping us to achieve excellence in our research and teaching missions. She is currently a senior administrative associate to Drs. George Georgiou and Adam Heller.
Lizzie’s dedication, thoughtfulness and problem-solving capabilities … Read the rest »
Anthrax Treatment Engineered by Texas ChE Researchers Gains FDA Approval

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, including Texas ChE’s Dr. George Georgiou and Dr. Jennifer Maynard, successfully culminated years of work when a drug they engineered for the treatment and prevention of inhalational anthrax — the anthrax antitoxin obiltoxaximab — received approval March 21 from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Part … Read the rest »