Posts Tagged ‘Dave Allen’
Sensor Network Could Change How Methane Emissions Are Detected
New Study Measures Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production and Offers Insights into Two Large Sources
David Allen‘s research team and environmental testing firm URS report that a small subset of natural gas wells are responsible for the majority of methane emissions from two major sources — liquid unloadings and pneumatic controller equipment — at natural gas production sites.
With natural gas production in the United States expected to continue … Read the rest »
Unprecedented Measurements Provide Better Understanding of Methane Emissions During Natural Gas Production
A new study led by David Allen, professor of chemical engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, reports on extensive measurements of methane emissions — including the first measurements for methane emissions taken directly at the well pad — during completion operations for hydraulically fractured wells. A team of researchers from UT Austin’s … Read the rest »
Dave Allen Honored as American Chemical Society Fellow
David Allen, professor of chemical engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, has been named a 2013 Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in recognition for his contributions to atmospheric chemistry, air quality management and environmental education.