Stadtherr, Mark A. Ph.D.
Research Professor

Office: | EER 3.616 | Mailing Address: |
Phone: | (512) 471-6088 | The University of Texas at Austin |
Fax: | (512) 471-1760 | Department of Chemical Engineering |
Email: | | 200 E Dean Keeton St. Stop C0400 |
UT Mail: | C0400 | Austin, TX 78712-1589 |
Research Areas: Process Engineering, Energy, Environmental Engineering
Educational Qualifications
B.Ch.E., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (1972)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (1976)
Our current research focuses on the formulation and solution of modeling and optimization problems that arise in the development of sustainable, energy-efficient and environmentally-conscious processing technology.
One active interest is the use of room-temperature ionic liquids (ILs) as environmentally-benign replacements for traditional organic solvents, with applications in aromatic/aliphatic separations and in CO2 capture. This involves work at scales ranging from the molecular to the process and potentially to the ecosystem levels, and using techniques from computational chemistry, machine learning, molecular thermodynamics, transport phenomena, process engineering, and ecological dynamics.
Another active interest is the assessment of new technology for exploiting light alkane resources, specifically natural gas liquids (NGLs), that are increasingly available due to shale gas production. In this work, we seek to evaluate technology not on a standalone basis, but as part of the hydrocarbon ecosystem, an interconnected network of technologies that transforms primary raw materials (oil, natural gas, NGLs) into final end products (chemicals and fuels). This involves the use of industry network models, and the formulation and solution of mathematical programming problems. This work is conducted as part of the National Science Foundation Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR).
A further area of interest is the development and application of strategies for reliable engineering computing. In dealing with nonlinear models of complex phenomena, the reliability with which computations can be done is often an important issue. For example, if there are multiple solutions to the model, have all been located? If there are multiple local optima, has the global optimum been found? If there are uncertain parameters and/or initial conditions in a dynamic model, have the effects of these uncertainties been rigorously quantified. We use interval mathematics to develop the tools needed to resolve these issues with mathematical and computational certainty, thus providing problem-solving reliability not available when using standard methods.
Awards & Honors
James A. Burns, C.S.C., Graduate School Award (for exemplary contributions to graduate education), University of Notre Dame, 2008.
Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Computing and Systems Technology Division, 1998.
GTE Emerging Scholar Lectureship, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1986.
Xerox Award for Best Research by an Assistant Professor in the Engineering College, University of Illinois, 1982.
School of Chemical Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Illinois, 1978.
Recent Publications
- Y. Lyu, J. F. Brennecke, M. A. Stadtherr, Review of Recent Aromatic-Aliphatic-Ionic Liquid Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibria and Their Modeling by COSMO-RS, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 8871-8893 (2020),
- C. Tsay, F. Lejarza, M. A. Stadtherr and M. Baldea, Modeling, State Estimation, and Optimal Control for the US COVID-19 Outbreak, Scientific Reports, 10, 10711 (2020),
- K. Seo, C. Tsay, B. Hong, T. F. Edgar, M. A. Stadtherr and M. Baldea, Rate-Based Process Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis for Ionic-Liquid-Based Post-Combustion Carbon Capture, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8, 10242-10258 (2020),
- M. J. Lubben, R. I. Canales, Y. Lyu, C. Held, M. Gonzalez-Miquel, M. A. Stadtherr, and J. F. Brennecke, A Promising Thiolanium Ionic Liquid for Extraction of Aromatics from Aliphatics: Experiments and Modeling, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 15707-15017 (2020),
- H. S. Ganesh, D. P. Dean, S. Vernuccio, T. F. Edgar, M. Baldea, L. J. Broadbelt, M. A. Stadtherr and D. T. Allen, Product Value Modeling for a Natural Gas Liquid to Liquid Transportation Fuel Process, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 3109-3119 (2020),
- S. E. DeRosa, Y, Kimura, M. A. Stadtherr, G. McGaughey, E. McDonald-Buller, and D. T. Allen, Network Modeling of the U.S. Petrochemical Industry under Raw Material and Hurricane Harvey Disruptions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 12801-12815 (2019),
- O. Nordness, L. D. Simoni, M. A. Stadtherr, and J. F. Brennecke, Characterization of Aqueous 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids for Calculation of Ion Dissociation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 1348-1358 (2019),
- B. Hong, L. D. Simoni, J. E. Bennett, J. F. Brennecke and M. A. Stadtherr, Simultaneous Process and Material Design for Aprotic N-Heterocyclic Anion Ionic Liquids in Postcombustion CO2 Capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55, 8432-8849 (2016),
- J. A. Enszer, D. A. Măceș and M. A. Stadtherr, Probability Bounds Analysis for Nonlinear Population Ecology Models, Mathematical Biosciences, 267, 97-108 (2015),
- S. Seo, L. D. Simoni, M. Ma, M. A. DeSilva, Y. Huang, M. A. Stadtherr, and J. F. Brennecke, Phase-Change Ionic Liquids for Postcombustion CO2 Capture, Energy & Fuels, 28, 5968-5977 (2014).
- Y. Zhao and M. A. Stadtherr, Rigorous Global Optimization for Dynamic Systems Subject to Inequality Path Constraints, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 12678-12693 (2011),
Other publications listed at