Freeman Receives ACS Polymeric Materials 2015 Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Benny Freeman, Richard B. Curran Centennial Chair for the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, was honored with the American Chemical Society’s Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 2015 Distinguished Service Award at the 250th ACS National Meeting and Exposition in Boston, Aug. 19.
The award honors the scientist who creates a significant impact on the advancement of polymeric materials engineering, provides outstanding contributions and service to PMSE and is a long-standing member within the division. Freeman has contributed pioneering accomplishments at the intersection of processing and materials properties, especially in the nanocomposites and membrane areas.
As a fellow of the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Chemical Engineering, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, PMSE Division of the ACS and the IECR Division of the ACS, Freeman has received numerous awards, including PMSE’s Cooperative Research Award, Roy W. Tess Award and the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science.
A past chair of ACS PMSE, Freeman continues to serve today as a counselor for the division. Last year, Freeman was recognized with the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Joe J. King Professional Engineering award.
Tags: 2015 Distinguished Service Award, 250th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, AAAS, AIChE, American Chemical Society, Boston, chemical engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering, Division of Polymeric Materials, Dr. Benny Freeman, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, PMSE, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Richard B. Curran Centennial Chair, Texas ChE, The University of Texas at Austin, UT Austin