Gary Rochelle Recognized for Outstanding Achievements in Carbon Capture
Professor Gary Rochelle has received the 2015 SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award for his long-lasting contributions within carbon capture, and in particular for his efforts in the development of post-combustion technologies. The award ceremony was held at the banquet of the eighth annual “Trondheim Conference of CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage” (TCCS-8) on June 17 in Trondheim, Norway.
The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research (SINTEF) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) selected Rochelle for his outstanding achievements within the field of carbon capture, transport and storage. His wide range of research activities, which include but are not limited to the control of air pollution by acid gases, carbon dioxide and air toxics, CO2 capture and CO2 mass transfer with chemical reaction, are tribute to his success.
The award selection committee cited Rochelle’s far-reaching impact on the development of new technologies for CO2 capture from exhaust gases by absorption. The committee also emphasized that Rochelle has been an instrumental partner for NTNU and SINTEF within the field of post-combustion technologies and his collaboration with NTNU research groups has been very beneficial.
The award consists of a diploma, a check for $3200 and free registration at the next TCCS conference. In addition, Rochelle was invited to give a self-selected Award Winners Lecture at the plenum part of the TCCS conference.
Tags: Austin, award, carbon, carbon capture, carbon storage, CCS, ChE, chemical engineering, Co2 capture, Gary Rochelle, Norway, NTNU, professor, SINTEF, Trondheim Conference, University of Texas, UT