Keith Friedman Promoted to Senior Lecturer

Keith FriedmanLecturer Keith Friedman has been promoted to senior lecturer effective September 1, 2015.

Since joining the department in 2007, Freidman has made practical and pedagogical improvements to experiments and online content for required undergraduate teaching labs. He has improved safety training and specific safety procedures for laboratories, provided excellent teaching, and served on key curricular committees critical to the department’s teaching mission.

Moreover, in his work with chemical engineering research professor Adam Heller, Friedman has served as a co-inventor on patents that are helping to develop new technologies improving the quality of life of millions of people suffering from diabetes worldwide. Their work to develop glucose monitoring systems that drastically reduce the amount of pain users feel when monitoring blood-sugar levels was recently featured in “Five Great UT Ideas”, an article in the university’s “Eyes on Innovation” series.

“Dr. Friedman is a great asset to our department,” said Tom Truskett, department chair. “I hope everyone joins me in congratulating him on this well-deserved promotion.”


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