McKetta CHE Undergraduate Advising Office
- The McKetta CHE Undergraduate Advising Office in CPE 2.706, provides services that support the academic and professional development of McKetta undergraduate chemical engineering students. The office provides academic advising and degree planning assistance under the supervision of the McKetta Undergraduate Faculty Advisor. Advising is also provided by individual faculty advisors who meet with students during early registration periods.
- The office provides academic advising and assistance with registration procedures, degree requirements, course prerequisites and policies and procedures.
- McKetta CHE undergraduate peer advisors staff the front desk and provide valuable information and advice about the undergraduate experience
Office Hours:
Closed until further notice
Weekly walk-in hours:
- Dr. Michael Baldea, McKetta Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, working remotely until further notice.
- Dr. Kelly McQueary, McKetta Undergraduate Program Coordinator, working remotely until further notice.
- Jonathan Pereira, McKetta Undergraduate Academic Advisor, working remotely until further notice.
- McKetta Undergraduate Peer Advisors, Zoom meetings.
Want to make an appointment with Dr. Kelly or Jonathan?
You can make an appointment here. Advising meetings are held via Zoom.
We look forward to chatting with you!
Registration Information for Summer and Fall 2021 has been posted to Canvas
Check your Registration Information Sheet (RIS) for your next registration access period
Helpful Registration Links
View your registration bars and access times, and other information on your Registration Information Sheet (RIS)
The Course Schedule lists the courses that will be offered each semester – Spring 2021. Summer 2021. Fall 2021.
The Registrar’s Office registration information page is a handy reference for all things related to registration including what to do before registering, registering for classes and then finishing registration
CHE 333T requirement
You can take 333T in any Cockrell School department. Information about how to get a seat in another department’s 333T course for Fall 2021 is here.
Non-major waitlist
Do you want to take a CHE course, but you’re not a CHE major? Please complete the non-major waitlist survey.
Computing Resources
Computing resources for McKetta CHE Undergraduate Students