Posts Tagged ‘engineering’
National Academy of Engineering Elects Alumna, Dr. Rachel Segalman
Alumna Awarded Among Top Inventors in U.S.
Engineering the Doritos Locos Taco: How a Texas ChE Grad Changed Tacos Forever

What may have once seemed like an unassuming item on a fast food chain’s menu, has now disrupted the fast food industry and possibly tacos as we know it forever. In 2012, Taco Bell launched Doritos Locos Tacos (DLT). In the first 10 weeks after the product’s launch, there were over 100 million DLTs sold. … Read the rest »
Staying On Top
Senior Plant Design Competition Winners Announced

Top presenting teams have been announced for the Senior Plant Design Competition in partnership with Ineos Olefins & Polymers USA (INEOS).
The event, part of the Process Design and Operations course known as “plant design”, had 19 teams presenting design solutions to tackle a real-world engineering challenge put forward by INEOS representatives.
This … Read the rest »
Introducing High School Students to Engineering
Chris Ellison Selected for China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Associate Professor Chris Ellison was selected by the National Academy of Engineering as one of 60 engineers to attend the 2015 China-America
Frontiers of Engineering Symposium in Irvine, Calif., June 1-3.
The chosen attendees represented 60 of the most promising engineering talent under the age of 45 from China and the United States. Ellison was … Read the rest »
George Georgiou Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the election of new members this week, including biochemist and chemical engineering professor George Georgiou.
Georgiou has been recognized for paving the way for advances in medicine that improve people’s lives, with discoveries such as a technology that has been incorporated into drugs that fight macular degeneration … Read the rest »
Greg Fenves Officially Named UT Austin President

The University of Texas System Board of Regents has named Gregory L. Fenves the next president of The University of Texas at Austin. Fenves will assume the role leading the UT System’s flagship university on June 3.
The regents approved the appointment at a special called board meeting Monday, April 20. Fenves was selected as … Read the rest »
Kate Baird wins the ChE Staff Spotlight Award

Kate Baird, graduate coordinator for the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, is the recipient of the spring 2015 Staff Spotlight Award.
Kate was commended by a wide cross section of faculty, students and staff for her exemplar organization of this year’s graduate student recruiting weekend and her outstanding performance as graduate coordinator.
She was … Read the rest »