Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Lydia Contreras’
Machine Learning Provides New Insights Into Cellular Biology
Contreras Wins 2017 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Daniel I.C. Wang Award

Assistant Professor Lydia Contreras has won the 2017 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Daniel I.C. Wang Award for her research in biotechnology, modeling and simulation. The award is presented by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the journal Biotechnology and Bioengineering and recognizes a young member of the biotechnology/bioengineering academic community for commitment to the journal and … Read the rest »
Lydia Contreras wins SHPE Young Investigator STAR Award

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) has announced the recipients of this year’s prestigious SHPE Technical Achievement Recognition (STAR) Awards, honoring key contributors in the Hispanic community in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
Dr. Lydia Contreras (pictured center) will receive the Young Investigator STAR Award for her successes in biomolecular … Read the rest »