New Faculty Members
Join us in welcoming four new faculty members this academic year…
Brian Belardi
Assistant Professor (Start date: January 2021)
Research interests: molecular engineering, biotechnology, therapeutics and drug delivery, epithelial biology and extracellular matrix, post-translational modifications, synthetic cells and tissue, biophysics and biointerfacesLearn more: Brian Belardi Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Lab Instructor (Start date: September 2020)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech (2016)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (2009)
Research interests: unit operations, engineering education, experiential learning, professional development, materials and separations technology
Learn more: Carlos Landaverde-Alvarado Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor (Start date: January 2021)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2018)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma (2012)
Research interests: understanding the structure and properties of catalysts to enable next-generation sustainable technologies
Learn more: Joaquin Resasco Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor (Start date: January 2021)
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2016)
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012)
Research interests: engineering mechanical properties and lifetime of soft polymeric materials
Learn more: Gabriel Sanoja Faculty Profile
with Brian Belardi, Carlos Landaverde-Alvarado and Joaquin Resasco
Wednesday, October 21
4:00 – 5:00 PM CST
Join us on zoom to get introduced to our new faculty members. Each new faculty member will tell us a little bit about themselves, answer some pre-determined questions and then we’ll open it up for questions from panel attendees. Students, alumni, faculty and staff are all invited to participate.