Delia Milliron Named Associate Editor for Nano Letters
Delia Milliron, associate professor and fellow of the Henry Beckman Professorship, has been appointed as an associate editor for Nano Letters, an American Chemical Society (ACS) publication.
ACS began the publication of chemical research with the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1879. Today, ACS publishes nearly 50 peer-reviewed journals with cutting-edge articles across a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Every year, over 100,000 authors and their research teams from the community of scientists worldwide submit their work for consideration in these journals.
Nano Letters is a leading journal is Milliron’s area of expertise, nanomaterials, and reports on fundamental research in all branches of theory and practice of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Milliron’s role as an associate editor will require her to process and review multiple paper submissions per week to be considered for publication.
“This editorial position can be used as a platform to communicate to the community in my field and I’ll be able to tell people about the important trends and opportunities and indirectly try to stimulate people’s thinking about research directions that might be compelling additions to the field,” Milliron said.
Also new to the Nano Letters team is Dr. Klaus Ensslin of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and Dr. Jeanie Lau of the University of California, Riverside.
Tags: ACS, American Chemical Society, associate editor, Cockrell School of Engineering, delia milliron, Henry Beckman Professorship, Journal of the American Chemical Society, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, Nano Letters, nanomaterials, nanoscience, nanotechnology, Texas ChE, The University of Texas at Austin, UT Austin