Eddie Ibarra Wins Staff Spotlight Award

Headshot of Eddie IbaraEddie Ibarra, senior procurement officer, has been awarded this semester’s Staff Spotlight Award.

Eddie is being recognized for his efforts to ensure that several large equipment orders were successfully completed—meeting all approval requirements in a timely manner at some of the busiest times of the year—while juggling the intensive day-to-day purchasing requests of faculty and students.

“Eddie plays a critical role in the success of the department, and we are happy to recognize him with this award,” said Tom Truskett, department chair.

He is also honored for his willingness to help faculty, staff, and students find solutions to urgent problems, to quickly respond to questions about the status of orders—even orders he did not place—, and for giving advice on how best to handle various purchasing and expenditure challenges. Eddie’s diligent work to successfully complete end-of-fiscal-year procurements is especially appreciated.



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