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One of my earliest memories of Tom Edgar at UT Austin is of him as a FULLY bearded wonderDOC, with long flowing locks of hair. He was more friend than faculty. Dr. Edgar had us optimizing the world using new concepts such as the Fibonacci number and Golden Section search methodologies. He was also active in supporting the students, and participated with us in intramural basketball. It was at this time we discovered our beloved professor had many talents – and an abundance of hair made visible by a jersey. His enthusiasm for his research and applying it to real world problems made his classes a must-take for everyone in Chemical Engineering. It took years for us in the Classes of ’73 and ’74 to realize Dr. Edgar was just a few years older than us. He always took an interest in each of us as a student and person, and he was a wonderful guiding resource throughout my career with BP-Amoco. Dr. Edgar was a leader on campus in the 70s, and he has maintained this leadership halo in all of his assignments at UT Austin throughout his stellar career. Dr. Edgar has been a great mentor to me and many of us ChE graduates. For this we extend a Texas size “thank you” for teaching us how to think outside the box and how to understand the rewards of hard work. Michael E. Poehl, B.S. ChE ‘75
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