
The Undergraduate Office is the main source for academic and professional development of undergraduate students and provides degree planning guidance with the help of faculty advisors and the undergraduate faculty advisor. The office provides resources for registration procedures, degree requirements, course prerequisites and policies and procedures. Location   CPE 2.706 Office hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Staff     Undergraduate Advisor Kelly McQueary, Ph.D. CPE 2.706 (512) 471-6443 kellym@che.utexas.edu Administrative Associate Catherine Theriot-Duncan CPE 2.706 (512) 475-6755 ctduncan@che.utexas.edu   Services       Degree planning and requirements Advice on policies and procedures less than 14 hours petitions major sequence applications Study abroad information Scholarships Internships repetition of course petitions Advising Every semester students meet with their individual faculty advisor before registering for classes.  Students are assigned a faculty advisor during orientation and efforts are made to keep students with the same advisor to build mentoring relationships for their college career. Faculty advisors guide students on course information, career planning, internships, undergraduate research, and other opportunities that help develop professional chemical engineers. The undergraduate faculty advisor assists with issues regarding exceptions to policy, classes, or study abroad course equivalencies.

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